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Danish District Heating Association in the EU and globally

Danish District Heating Association has international interests as well. Through our umbrella organization Euroheat & Power we seek to promote district heating on a European scale.

26 January 2021
Ældre end 24 mdr.
Tekst af Anders Balle Jørgensen,


    Euroheat & Power

    Danish District Heating Association (DDHA) is a professional organisation lobbying towards government, parliament, other organisations, and internationally. To caretake member interests internationally, DDHA is a member of the European umbrella organization Euroheat & Power (EHP).

    EHP is a network of international supply companies, organizations, and professionals primarily from EU countries. EHP connects industry players, decision makers, and academia in an effort to promote sustainable district heating and cooling. The vision of EHP is to create sustainable cities through energy transition by utilising sustainable district energy.

    Through EHP, DDHA protects the interests of its members primarily by lobbying towards the European Parliament and the European Commission. 

    The Danish case in an international setting

    The supply sector is becoming increasingly EU regulated (as opposed to before, where it was largely nationally regulated), which is why it is important for DDHA to have a proximity to political decision-making, in order to ensure influence on current and future policy developments within the sector. 

    Denmark's position is unique, both in an international and European context, when it comes to district heating and cooling. The heating requirements of 64 pct. of Danish households are provided for by district heating, and as of 2018, the district heating sector accounted for 0.8 pct. of Danish overall GDP. A mature domestic market like this is an excellent launch pad for the export of district heating products and solutions. 

    The climate debate and the desire to reduce imports of fossil fuels from Russia and elsewhere means increased interest in the potential of the district heating and cooling sector, a potential which the Danish district heating sector can exploit in terms of the export of knowledge and technology.

    As of 2018 the Danish annual export of district heating technology was almost 6.8 billion Danish kroner (approx. €910 million). In 2025, it is expected that the sector will achieve annual exports of 11 billion Danish kroner (approx. €1.5 billion).

    Export of district heating technology from Denmark

    Source: Branchestatistik 2019 "Fjernvarmesektorens samfundsbidrag"

    Danish district heating technology is exported globally, but especially Germany, Sweden, and China are some of the big importers. In addition, export to the US has risen with 91 pct. in the period between 2010-2018. Especially the northern European countries import a great deal of Danish district heating technology.

    Top 10 countries to import district heating technologies from Denmark

    Source: Branchestatistik 2019 "Fjernvarmesektorens samfundsbidrag"

    Denmark considers itself a role model on sustainability and green energy, and for this to be achievable and true there is a need for sustainable heating and cooling, which is why district energy and the export of these technologies are important and necessary tools to cement this position.